Week 1 ePortfolio

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Bit: Any pair of opposites. In computers 0 and 1 are used. Bits make up binary, and binary make all computers (except quantum ones) work. 

Protocol: The rules about transmitting data from one device to another.

Bandwidth: Transmission capacity. Measured in how many bits a device can send in a defined amount of time (bitrate).

Latency: How long it takes for a bit to travel from the sender to the receiver.


Using the bit transmitter was really difficult at first, but once we worked out a protocol, it became much easier. It would have been a lot easier if we had a greater bandwidth that allowed us to send four or eight bits at once because that would have eliminated most of the human error. We didn't have any issues with latency (probably because our timer was set to five seconds), but I could see that happening if the sender changed the message at the transmission time.


Here's the link for the Unit 1 lesson 4 Activity guide. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRZUOwsa9iouX_QvTWyj4sNPz65Bn5986GPZP5pXCqdGjjsbSnb_JBfXY6szNynuDUcfJaii_5VyqDh/pubLinks to an external site.


Unit 1 Lesson 5: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTb6TUKFFKu6o4tIIZj3cwz4RGtGPUmZTBFe9bmSODUjCQab7yM5AhCLcFG1JEYws1d7Gg8AokhCvFx/pub


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